Illustration for Shout in Thai! (Thesis)
This project is one of my thesis named "Shout in Thai!", which is an individual project. I've created the voice- controlled game for foreign tourists who want to learn basic Thai phrases pronunciation correctly. The game will show the differences of five Thai tones. Players need to speak out the given words.
The cut scene is about a foreigner traveling in Thailand who wants to order food in Thai. However, he mispronounces the Thai words, leading to misunderstandings. In the end, Thai tone platforms appear to help him pronounce Thai correctly.

The story is created to showcase the inspiration behind the development of this game, which is based on the real-life experiences of foreign tourists ordering Thai food. These experiences were shared on TikTok. Then I adapted it into a short frame-by-frame animation to help players understand the purpose of this game.
Each page of a game represents Bangkok environment. The blue sign is inspired by street name sign found in Bangkok, while the UI button pattern is inspired by Thai bus tickets, which are also iconic to Bangkok.

Background design of each situation. These are popular places among foreign tourist.

The overall visual design of game

The design of each Thai tone platform is inspired by the 12 giants at the Phra Kaew Temple, iconic to Bangkok. The patterns are derived from footpath signs in various colors, indicating the paths for the characters to walk on. Each shape corresponds to the tone that should be pronounced: low, mid, high, falling, or rising tone.

Characters design: I got inspiration from items commonly used by tourists when traveling in Bangkok, such as backpacks, caps, and luggage. All of three characters are wearing elephant pants because they're iconic thing that tourist like to buy and wear them.

Character Design
The character that inspired by Josoudanshi x Covid-19.
Josoudanshi is a sub-culture in Japan. It is a culture that boy or men will dress as women to look more cute and beautiful. But that didn't mean some of them are LGTQIA+, they just love and feel more being themselves when they dress like women.
A child who has many sad stories and complicated emotion in his mind.

Character Mascot for Blahbu Burger Soda

Character Mascot for Butter Breadstick

Illustration for Digital Publishing

Background Painting for Animation

Character Design

Animal x Fur x Robotics
Character Design & illustration
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